Monday, June 9, 2014

Mario Kart Grand Prix

In conjunction with the release of the new Mario Kart 8 video game on the Wii U, the Improvables (and friends) gathered in Bountiful last weekend for a Mario Kart tournament. Lorin both came up with the idea and carried it out brilliantly over the course of an enjoyable six-hour event.
Lorin also purchased and engraved trophies for the first-place winner (and for other accomplishments) and brought fireballs (cheese balls), mushroom and star cookies, and Mario gummy treats, to boot:
As for the actual gaming, well, it was a lot of fun. Yours truly performed rather poorly, though I had a great time anyway.
Parker took first place and can be seen here drinking a celebratory quaff of Martinelli's from the first-place trophy:
He was then joined for a photo op with the "other" trophy winners, including Erica (Best Defense), Chad (Best Offense), and Ricky (Best Attitude/aka Mr. Congeniality).
Not pictured is Richard, recipient of the "Which Way Is 'Go'?" Award, who left before pics were taken.

Finally, the entire group gathered for this shot before we called it a night:
Good times were had by all.

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